Yayoi pottery pot-shaped earthenware Yayoi/300BCE–250CE

Yayoi pottery is said to have spread along with the rice cultivation culture of the Yayoi people. Each had a specific shape and function, and people used them in combination, such as storage jars, boiling jars, and stools and bowls for serving food.

This item is a pot-shaped pottery for storage. The bulge from the shoulders to the torso presents a reddish-brown and large fiery black landscape.
This is a complete Yayoi pottery with only minor repairs.

It is the preferred size to fit in the alcove of the tea room.
I will put a dropper on it, so how about using it as a flower vase?

宽22 x 深22 x 高22 厘米
Antique Japanese Ceramics | before the 3rd Century

